We can't find the internet
Attempting to reconnect
Know that your API endpoints are always up
We will monitor your API endpoint from around the world and alert you the moment it goes down.
Get notified immediately when your API is not available.
Any number of things could cause your API to become unavailable, but you can’t begin to fix them if you don’t know it’s down.
Let Sitesure monitor your website, API endpoints, TCP services, SSL certificates, Domains, DNS entries, and background jobs. We’ll let you know immediately when there is a problem.
- Know that your website is up and responding correctly.
- Know that your API is available.
- Know that your TCP services are online.
- Know that your SSL certificate is valid.
- Know that your DNS is pointing to the right place.
- Know that your domain is renewed on time.
And when things go wrong, get notified immediately!